The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Exploring Children’s Conceptual understanding of Astronomy: A Social Learning Perspective
Fayadh Hamed Alanazi

Last modified: 2015-12-05


The purpose of this study was to explore saudi children's ideas about astronomical bodies, drawing from the theoretical perspective of social-cultural learning .A socio-cultural perspective was adopted in an effort to recognise scientific knowledge  as one aspect of various co-existing types of natural world knowledge.This is conssidered fundamental when acknowledging that saudi children live by their own framework when describing their surrounding and natural phenomena, utilising their everyday culture,life experiences and theological knowledge base. Hence, a socio-cultural model of learning in science education can provide for a more holistic to saudi children's education.

Thirty children,aged 6 and 9 years old (1st,2nd,3rd grades),from six primary schools ( two school for each grade) in the  north of saudi arabia,participated in semi-structured interviews, supported by the creation of drawing and models, in order to explore the multi-faceted nature of children's uderstanding. The results showed that saudi children shaped their thinking about the earth from different perspectives. Physical conception (e.g, the earth is a place where we can live, sleep and eat) terrestrial conception (e.g, the earth is created only for worship) were identified.

Based on the findings, some implication for science educators in general, and saudi arabia in particular, are highlighted.It is argued that understanding  of local values and befliefs in the learning of science is an important goal for science education in an international context.

keywords:socio-cultural learning;Theological knowledge;Physical conceptions;Terrestrial conceptions;metaphysical conceptions

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