The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Reconciliation of Family and Career: Family, Employer and Career Counsellor Perspectives
Giedrė Tamoliūnė, Elena Trepulė, Ilona Tandzegolskienė

Last modified: 2016-04-29


When young parents return to work after parental leave and try to pursue his/her career, fulfill family duties, while employers expect parents to fully involve into work and fulfill all work duties, challenges for both parts are inevitable. Considering the fact that both, family and work, are greedy institutions the problem of this paper is that young parents experience internal and external conflicts. The goal of the research is to find common ground in the experiences of young parents and employers as well as discuss the role of career counsellors in the process of family-work reconciliation. A qualitative interview included fifteen narratives of young families with children, fourteen interviews with employers and a focus group interview with career counsellors. Qualitative data analysis has revealed that experiences and practises of young families and employers are intertwining at certain points. The third party in the process of family and work reconciliation are career counsellors who are expected to provide guidance and support to depreciate the potential conflict.  Results of the focus group with experts in career counselling revealed the gap in this service provision.  These and other findings are concluded with recommendations for the three groups of young parents, employers and career counsellors that may contribute to the reconciliation of work and family conflict.

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