The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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The Theoretical Model of Career and Family Reconciliation
Elena Trepulė, Giedrė Tamoliūnė

Last modified: 2015-12-28


The goal of the research is to construct a theoretical model of family and career reconciliation for young families with children (under age of 12). The object of the research – reconciliation of family and career. The methods employed in this study are based on scientific literature analysis in the given topic of the research. Scientific literature survey has revealed the three major strains that interact in the process of individuals managing their work and family responsibilities: they experience conflict when trying to meet the requirements of their work-place and family; the experience of both faculties – family and work not only generate conflict, but also facilitation – being a good professional adds skills for successful family life and vice versa - being a good mother/father adds skills and qualities for a professional role at work; the different roles that women and men hold and are culturally expected to perform in their family and professional lives. The possibilities to reconcile work and family life depend on a number of internal (e.g., number of children in the family, their age, etc.) and external factors (e.g., employers, political aspects, etc.). Therefore, young families with children need support on several levels: on individual, institutional and state levels. The mentioned factors may contribute to the theoretical model of family and career reconciliation.

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