The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Development of socio-emotional skills in preschoolers
Maria Claudia Cuc

Last modified: 2015-12-28


Problem Statement:

The educational reality of the Romanian education are confronting with many localities socio-economically undeveloped, which causes the education of children in this regard, providing the basis for a harmonious development, also the children ability to realize their emotional experiences, to manage them properly or to make friends are at least as important as intellectual skills.

Purpose of Study:

This study aims to provide information and methods for teachers through which can develop emotional and social skills of children as well as efficient methods and techniques that can optimize these skills.

Research Methods:

In the research were used: questionnaire-based survey method, interview method, aiming to measure the results from a quantitative and qualitative perspective.


By reporting to the information obtained from a number of 80 teachers from undergraduate education, were outlined the study results: 82% of teachers confirm that preschoolers who live in an environment that they do not perceive it as being controlled and predictably have more difficulties in emotional regulation and integration in groups and children with are being discussed rules and in case of infringement, are applied the consequences discussed will develop skills of optimal emotional regulation and 76% of respondents supported the need for exercising a "social responsiveness" at the level of learners.


Emotional and social skills development ensures the transparency and objectivity in promoting the individual at socio-professional level in a society found in constant evolution and competition.

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