The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Pedagogical maintenance of non-language high school students’ capacity for creative self-realization in foreign language classes
Agzam A Valeev, Alina A Kadyrova

Last modified: 2015-12-28


The content of modern higher education today is accompanied by the development of effective educational technology. Therefore, there is a number of trends in the process of intensification of high school training. It includes integration of professional, linguistic and cultural training of professionals in the unity with the development of their personal qualities; transition to modularity curriculum with a wide range of language courses; a wide range of opportunities for self-study of a foreign language; introduction in educational process of open systems of intensive training, etc. For this reason, modern educational technologies serve as a tool for practical implementation of new training systems with higher educational performance compared to traditional didactic system. They are, on the one hand, oriented to achieve the required level of efficiency and quality of education, on the other, - provide each student the opportunity to study on an individual program, taking full account of a student’s cognitive abilities, motivation, addiction and other personal qualities. The study showed the importance of identification and justification of the prerequisites for creative self-realization, relating to the quality of education. It is connected with educational assistance to students in their experience in the field of creative self-realization in a multicultural space. The article describes the relevant aspects of the potential of a foreign language in the development of the students’ capacity for creative self-realization; pedagogical maintenance of the process associated with the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the most successful and productive activities of young people as future professionals. The study describes the system design of the structural and functional model of development capacity for creative self-realization in students of non-language high schools in the process of learning a foreign language. It includes such interrelated components as: value-targeted, procedural and substantive, diagnosis and effective. In the study the results of the experimental work showed the effectiveness of pedagogical maintenance of non-language high school students’ ability to creative self-realization in the process of learning a foreign language.


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