The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Listening in learning a foreign language at the non-language faculty of the university
Agzam A Valeev, Irina G Kondrateva, Minnisa S Safina

Last modified: 2015-12-28


To update the Russian higher education is to ensure Russia's competitiveness on a global level. In this sense it is important to improve the quality of education through the modernization of its structure, content and learning technologies, to ensure the effective use of information and educational resources. It is even more concerned with learning a foreign language because bilingualism is becoming increasingly important with Russia's integration into the world community. In this regard, the increased requirements for the educational process and the development of new innovative teaching methods meet the requirements of the time. Today, modern teacher can no longer act as a mechanical doer of certain practical operations. He can no longer be bound by the narrow limits of private methods of teaching. He has to create conditions for the development of cognitive and intellectual abilities of students, including the formation of motivation of training, with a view to training foreign language has become more successful. One of the important aspects of learning a foreign language is listening as a kind of verbal activity. The study showed the importance of the problem of improving the mechanisms for listening in non-language faculties of the university. The article describes the relevant aspects of the difficulties of listening, the essence and the main characteristics of this type of educational process and the criteria for high-quality listening in a non-language high school. The study describes a system of training listening using effective exercises; learning of listening as speech culture; methodology of teaching a foreign language, which is subject to the general requirements of higher education, where listening becomes a part of the system of education development. The results of the experimental work show the effectiveness of the basic skills of listening, the successful development of students of non- language specialties of high school.

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