The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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The Ways of How to Deal with Unwanted Behaviors of Students in Class
Basak Ozaltinok, Nihat Ekizoğlu

Last modified: 2016-01-25


The aim of this research, to determine the ways of how teachers overcome students unwanted behaviours. In relation to this the questions, what are these unexpected and unwanted behaviours of students in high school, how do teachers respond to these kind of behaviours and do teachers feel competent enough to overcome these behaviours have been answered. This research where quantitive research is used to interview data is edited with a half structured interview. 20 teachers and 2 managers who work in a private high school participated in this research. Obtained data was resolved with the content analysis method. As a result of the study, it was found that the problems teachers mostly fared in the classroom were not fulfilling enough responsibilities, disruptive behaviours during lessons and arguments among students in the classroom. Therefore, teachers facing such problems took certain actions which included trying to figure out why these students behaved this way, taking to them in person, warning or to punishing them by dismissing them from their classes and collaborating with teachers and parents.

Key words: Teachers, unwanted behaviours of students, students.

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