The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Exploring the Program Components of Undergraduate ELT Programs in Terms of their Goals
Hülya Küçükoğlu

Last modified: 2016-02-15


The current study aims to explore the views of prospective teachers in ELT department on their program components.  The results of the study aim to shed a light on the ELT programs for the betterment. Prospective teachers studying at ELT department was taken as the subjects of the study.

A total of 77 subjects participated in the study all of whom are third or fourth year students. As a result of this current study educators and decision makers will be given a thorough picture about the view of the prospective students on the program content in their ELT undergraduate program.

a carefully designed and modified program. To achieve this aim, the study attempts to answer the following research questions; “What are the opinions of future foreign language teachers’ on the program components in their ELT undergraduate programs in terms of their goals?” By means of providing a thorough picture of the mentioned program, relevant changes, additions and deletion of the program is expected to be considered. It is also hoped that the research findings will provide valuable information which will help for the betterment of the program and the curriculum studies in the area of program evaluation.


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