The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Hatice Bekir, Alper Hakkı Yazıcı

Last modified: 2016-02-15


This study is planned and conducted in order to determine the perception of prospective judges and their opinions on violence against mother.

From among the qualitative research patterns, phenomenology approach is used in the study. Sample group of the study is composed of a total of 17 prospective judges, 10 being male and 7 being female, who were selected voluntarily using the homogeneous sampling method from among the purposive sampling method and who study as intern at Turkish Justice Academy. The data were collected using the individual interview method with the semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers. In the analysis of data, descriptive and content analysis methods were used from among qualitative data analyses. Findings and comments of the study are limited to representing the sample group and in-depth data collection methods were used to ensure validity and reliability of the findings.

As a result of the study, prospective judges expressed that the highest risk group in terms of violence is children and mothers. 2 of prospective judges stated that they perceive violence as degrading treatment, 5 as reflection of repressed feelings, 4 as use of force and intimidation and 6 bodily harm committed by the strong to the weak. 6 of prospective judges stated that the reasons for violence against mother include father’s lack of education, 5 said that violence against mother is considered normal due to patriarchal structure, 4 said financial difficulties, 2 pointed out father’s psychological problems. Regarding the question on whether the violence against mother is different compared with other risk groups, 10 of prospective judges said that violence against mother cannot be evaluated differently from other risk groups, while 7 expressed that it differs from other risk groups because the effects of violence against mother make an impact on both mother and child due to the mother’s function to raise the child and it is common in the society.

Keywords: Violence, mother, violence against mother, prospective judge

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