The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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A Content Analysis of Master and Doctorate Thesis in the Area of Gamification

Last modified: 2016-04-29


This study is a content analysis of thesis related with gamification area without year restriction in Higher Education Council (YOK) Thesis Center database. It is aimed to provide an instructive guide to researchers for further research through examining how gamification approach is handled in studies, which areas are integrated with this new approach, determining how this approach is covered in the literature and identifying the research trends in this area. It was figured out that the first thesis related with gamification concept was published in 2014 in YOK Thesis Center and a total number of 9 thesis were obtained by the end of 2015. In data analysis process, thesis were coded and categorized based on year of publication, university, institute, research model, research subject, used technologies, learning areas, theoretical approach and game components. 6 thesis in 2014 and 3 thesis in 2015 were obtained and examined in YOK database. It was revealed that 8 of these thesis are master thesis and 1 of them is doctorate thesis. It was also figured out that thesis are mostly studied in Institute of Social Sciences. “Education and Instruction”, “science and technology”, “computer and control” and “advertising/communication sciences” are frequently studied in the area of gamification as research subjects. When research model used in the studies is examined, it was figured out that researchers mostly prefer literature review in terms of theoretical aspect and they prefer collecting data through analysis study and content analysis in terms of literature review perspective. It was also revealed that badges are the most frequently used game components. Following badges; levels, achievement, experience, reward and advertisement are also frequently used as game components. When thesis are examined, it was determined that studies in the area of gamification are yet at the beginning of the road. Furthermore, it could be indicated that gamification will be an inseparable part of further research and application and usage area of gamification will be expanded in the future as well.

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