The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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basak gorgoretti

Last modified: 2016-02-24


Today the rapid changes and developments in information and communication technologies affect all sectors and likewise this impact has been reflected positively in the field of education.

Information and communication technologies have been used widely in our daily lives, in schools and even in classrooms. In our rapidly changing world, the future human profile will posses completely different characteristics from the current profile. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that current teachers have different professional characteristics that include being creative and project-oriented, making effective use of communication technologies and keeping up with the innovation to meet the needs of the new generation.

The aim of this study is to find out prospective music teachers’ opinions towards their use of music education technologies. The required data will be gathered from semi-structured interviews held with 20 prospective music teachers’. In the interviews, firstly, they will be asked which instructional technologies they use in their music lessons. Secondly, they will be asked which multi-media technologies they use and what kind of studies they do with these technologies.  Also, it will be explored whether their undergraduate training will develop their use of information, communication and multimedia technologies positively or not. Last of all, prospective music teachers’ suggestions regarding which studies related to information, communication and multimedia technologies can be done during their undergraduate training will be asked. Perceptual data collected will be content analysed as follows: (1) coding the data, (2) identification of themes, (3) identification of emerging sub-themes, if any,  (4) analysis and interpretation of findings. Finally, prospective results will be discussed in relation to the pertinent research to date and suggestions will be offered.

Keywords: music teacher, technology, music education

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