The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Analyzing “Pick+Organize+Write and Read-Edit+Share-Edit” Writing Instruction Strategy from the Viewpoint of Students*
Özgül Güler BÜLBÜL, Rüya ÖZMEN

Last modified: 2016-02-29


The purpose of this study is to assess the opinions of students with intellectual disability and their peers underperforming in writing on “pick + organize + write and read-edit + share-edit” writing instruction strategy. 57 students attending to 4. and 5. grades participated to this study. Three of them were students with mental retardation and the rest were underperforming in writing. After strategy instruction; story elements, story quality, length, writing duration and story writing self-regulation levels of students have improved with respect to their baseline and they also generalized this to their personal narrative. Students maintained their achievements for 3-19 weeks. To assess students’ opinion on the strategy, a social validity form with six open-ended and six likert type questions was developed. Data collected with this form were analyzed quantitively and qualitatively. Quantitive analysis showed that students substantially had positive opinion on the strategy. Themes such as positive opinion on strategy contents and practice, reasons for recommending the strategy to other students, effect of the strategy on writing process and output, off story writing/personal narrative positive effects of the strategy, practical difficulties, opinions regarding strategy development were figured out at qualitative analysis. According to the quantitive and qualitative analysis results, students had positive opinions on strategy instruction, they liked the strategy, found it helpful and they had little difficulties in its execution.

*This study is a product of Özgül Güler BÜLBÜL’s doctoral thesis.

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