The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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The Effect of Theoretical/Technical Courses on the formation of Design Knowledge: A Case Study on Final Year Students
Deniz Tuzcuoğlu, Çiğdem Polatoğlu

Last modified: 2016-04-04


Architectural education that sights to provide an opportunity to the students to obtain knowledges involve the design approaches, architectural history, technical knowledge, current developments and etc. Correspondingly, it is a process that offers to students can utilize all aforementioned knowledges in architectural projects. Accreditation systems such as  ACE, UIA, RIBA, NAAB approach the education program over assessing courses and studios that comprise an appropriate education for an architect. In this study, it is aimed to examine the architectural program in Yıldız Technical University and determine the correlation between courses and architectural projects. For this purpose, the focused interview and a set of questionnaire is done with final years students. According to study results, it is evident that design studio is the place where the knowledge gained from theoretical and technical courses are come together. To sum, a blended learning strategy would be efficient in design education.

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