The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Azmiye Yınal, Huseyin Uzunboylu

Last modified: 2016-03-10



General aim of this research is to examine master and doctorate thesis related with arts education in National Thesis Center of Turkey Higher Education Council based on 7 different criteria. This study also aims to guide other researchers who will study in this area. This is a survey research and Higher Education Council National Thesis Center database was used to collect the data. 57 thesis related with arts education were obtained based on the results. However, 39 thesis were included in the study for content analysis since there were limited access to some of the thesis. Results showed that most of the thesis were conducted about Education and Teaching in 2015. In addition, students were used as research sample in the studies and studies mostly used qualitative research method. It was also revealed that most of the thesis related with arts education were conducted at Gazi University.


Keywords: Arts Education, Content Analysis.


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