The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Examinatıon Reading Skills of Students with Reading Difficulties in Different Text Genres
Mustafa Ceylan, Berrin Baydık

Last modified: 2016-03-12


The purpose of this study was to compare the reading skills of fourth graders with reading difficulties in different text genres (story and informative text). Fiftysix fourth grade students with reading difficulties participated in this study. Reading rates, reading accuracies, reading errors and reading prosody charecteristics of the students were examined in the study. A story and an informative text, also Rasisnski’s (2004) Multidimentional Fluency Scale were used to collect data. The results of the study showed that reading rates of the students were higher in informative text. In addition, reading accuracies of the students were not differentied according to text genre. The students made more errors of mispronunciation, word insertion, and repetitation of word part, self correction, letter insertion-omission, syllable insertion-omission, letter reversing and conversion of the word final.  The big proportions of mispronunciations of the students were reading the word as a visually similar word in both the story. (78%) and the informative text (79%). While the students obtained higher expression and volume scores in the informative text, pace of story reading was more suitable.

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