The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Ayşe Sağsöz, Z.Yeşim Alemdar, Şaban Suat Özsarıyılsız

Last modified: 2016-04-29


Because of the rapid developments and variety of technology and the impetuous growth in building stock due to the population increase, the similarity between the mental schema of the user and the built objects / environment have started to decrease which is naturally resulting in a difficulty in environmental perception. By this rapid change, a transformation in the symbols, which are formed in users’ mind, reflecting the physical structures, which are the defining elements of the cities, have also begun. In this context, especially architect and architectural student subjects have been asked to evaluate the contemporary designs for arguing the statement; “perception gets easier when the resemblance between the object and the mental schema gets bigger. If there is no resemblance or smaller common elements are present, perception gets more difficult and some questions like ‘how come?’ ‘what kind of?’ appears.”

In this context, the aim of this study can be explained as, to investigate architect and architectural student subjects, for the perceptibility and readability of the functions of the buildings when their façades considered.

In order to limit the study, only public buildings and semi-public buildings, which define a public location, included in. Three examples for each function; commerce, transportation, religious, and sports among the public ones, and socio-cultural, health related, educational, governmental and industrial for the semi-public buildings, is selected. The writers significantly give importance to the selection criteria of the examples, as being contemporary. The study consists of four chapters; introduction, research (explanation of the problematic and the method), outcomes and discussion. Research also has two phases; in the first phase the buildings that are selected have been presented to the 120 subjects. The subjects are wanted to mark each building according to the buildings’ behavioral position, which category may they be.

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