The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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A Study on School Administrators’ Mentorship Roles in Terms of the Some Variables
Rüştü Yıldırım, Ercan Yılmaz, Behcet Oznacar

Last modified: 2016-03-29


Studying mentorship roles of school administrators in terms of the some variables constitutes the target of this study. Workgroup of this relational screening research consists of 372 school administrators working in schools under the structure of Ministry of National Education in Konya city during 2011 – 2012 educational year. Data of the research are collected by using “Personal Information Form”, which is prepared by researcher, and “Mentorship Scale”, which is prepared by Sezgin (2002). Different inferential analyses like arithmetical average, standard deviation, t test, Pearson correlation, one-way analysis of variance and ANOVA have been made over collected data (p<0.05).According to collected results; mentorship roles of school administrators significantly differ according to their age; while not significantly differing according to school type they work in. It is also concluded that school administrators carry out mentorship roles at higher levels.

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