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Raw modeling a character animated facial geometry
victor adir

Last modified: 2014-02-14


Lecturer Nicoleta Elisabeta Pascu, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Victor Adîr, Ph.D.,

Assoc. Prof. Tiberiu Gabriel Dobrescu, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. George Adîr, Ph.D.,

Problem Statement

The literature presents the facial modeling 3D animated characters, in general terms, placing the accent more on image processing. This article presents a way of modeling facial base that can be used for cartoons. The purpose of this article is to show how to create the geometry needed for modeling facial successive geometric transformations to a simple 3D model. The head will be completely shaped as a simple cartoon character. In a future article we shall introduce how to represent the details involving the contribution of artistic talent to decide how to finish the head.

Purpose of study

In the main the facial modeling is based on polygon modeling from simple polygon primitives. These primitives are closed shapes and all primitives are created with a default set of UV information. Another way of modeling is based on patch surfaces. Patch surfaces modeling refers to creating a model made of several NURBS surfaces.


In this article we want to introduce a way of combining the methods of facial surface modeling by successive transformations, involving, the same time, the Subdiv Proxy Modeling.

Findings and Results

Modeling method presented in this article does not significantly reduces the development time of a 3D raw model, but improves the quality of the images obtained. The raw model can be finished much easier in the very near future by adding many details.


Modeling is an important part for the animated character representation. Texturing models are based on raw modeling. Modeling method presented here supports significantly the subsequent operations model that will apply.

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