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Administrator and teacher perceptions on secondary schools as learning organisations in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Lutfiye Fedai

Last modified: 2015-12-25



In a society where information changes rapidly, educational organizations should change their existing structures to an open-to-learning style in order to adapt to these changes. It is seen that educational institutions, whose most important outcome is student success rates, are not able to meet up to the expected success rate when compared to the developed countries. As the education system is re-structured in a learning institution manner and the boundaries preventing that are discarded, the education system is expected to reach higher stages than its current level.

Sharing information and adapting to the change process is an important factor for constant development and quality. The various changes and amendments made in the education system in recent years, it is seen that TRNC secondary education institutions still have a long way to go in order to become learning institutions and to raise individuals who learn how to learn. The classical education management is being tried to be discarded in an effort to create a new vision, culture, school structure and strategy where school objectives and functions can be re-defined. However, it is observed that old management and habits still exist at many locations and schools continue to exist only as “teaching organization”. Therefore, this research study aims to evaluate perceptions of teachers on learning organizations. In order to collect data on where the problems of becoming a learning organization focus and how they can be solved; specific studies at educational institutions should be carried out along with general theoretical discussions. It is an irrecusably need to be accepted as institutions that possess an “knowledge institution” culture acknowledging the importance of information; fast; efficient; functional; dynamic internal and external settings; open to change; valuing quality, includes self-developing/renewing individuals who are open to learning, open to technological developments, with a flexible infrastructure, using the information systems and information technology efficiently with every opportunity.

With this study, it was aimed to understand the becoming a learning organization skills of education institutions, especially TRNC secondary schools from the perspectives of teachers. In addition to this, the study also aims to suggest a model for making amends in the table that will be the outcome of the study. In that respect, the study is based on qualitative case study with data collected from 200 participants’ personal view reports and content analysis was used to analyze these reports.

The study aims to put forward the learning organization feature of secondary schools in addition to investigating the effects of organizational boundaries in the process of becoming a learning organization. In this respect, the study also aims to provide holistic, systematic and unbiased information for education managers.

Key words: Learning organisations, information society, secondary schools, administrator, teacher,

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