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Last modified: 2014-03-20


Education of visual design, in communication is about unlimited exploring and also learning process for the student. For this reason, education of visual design is the most significant process to person who has accoutred to install their target.

Experimental Typography understanding requires the ability to establish consciously aesthetic construction. In each study a conceptual thought forms think embody is used as a visual elements. In addition, An experimental approaches to transfer of information responsibility of audience, which is installed but also the meaning of text elements are turned into the visual indicators. In this approach, which was brought by technology innovations the cultural structure, can be shown as the active changing and globalized world. Visual design education's aim is to use the new design aesthetics and efficient surface Visual design is also language and expression. We can say that An experimental typography is a new grammatical structure of the language to create a different discourse on the design surface This reason the question of experimental typography and experimentation to investigate to use advantage of the unlimited possibilities design will bring different perspective. In short, the targeted learner model: trying and experimentation will start producing. This means new and extremely free environment visualizing and creating their own unique language will also contribute to the process. Because typography is one of the primary elements of visual design. Everyday is a new technology with the most significant influence on changing perceptions of the world, which is needed for people who have lost a sense of space began not to be sufficiently. Therefore we can establish communication using the all our senses. Three dimensional view of a typographic text, sound, feel and hear the tapping ... etc.. It was unavoidable requirement.

Two dimensions surface wafting from Experimental typography according to the contents of meaning different materials voice, moved to a moving environment. In this new environment by being inadequate typography classrooms requirement technology labs were born to be converted to highly advanced. Target to cultivate the learner model by providing the necessary working environment, which affects all the senses experimental typographic design and the opportunity to experience tracking will be provided. Experimental visual design in education with ability to reconstruct the upbringing of the learner model, this new technological environment will be a different perspective. The basic rules of typography Which has grown with students will design the future of typography.

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